Claudia Grinnell: Two Poems
This Idea of Order | The Falcon
This Idea of Order
It's not enough to sort socks
into light and dark
so colors don't bleed
into undefinable gray
or to cancel the division
between seeing and knowing
when you come back
from this world or that
exchanging kisses, breath
for breath, as if they
were liquid air.
You know these waves
always crash into those
harbor walls. Arrival as
always, one burning lamp,
and a bottle of burgundy
for the guests. Welcome,
we live for the bread
and tomorrow. At the end
of the year, when the
coastline closes in, almost
terrafirma, you may reach it
and never know the fine poison
under wet trees. Only roots
hold together cement, streets
blend into another dirty
morning. I breathe your hair
under old constellations
but summer did not follow spring
this year. Winter rolled
through and conquered the land.
It is unwise to talk about it.
Whatever else happens, calves
collect in the slaughterhouse
and swallows drift south.
A man wearing no shoes
enters the confession box
and never gets up again.
The Falcon
He doesn't miss flying,
he says. In fact, he likes
nothing better than
sitting on his ladder,
unmoved, unmoving. It means
nothing to him
to stuka through the air,
hurling himself at furry things.
He can't remember
why or for what
he should use his wings,
other than to tuck his head
under a tip perhaps.
And he positively doesn't
want to be reminded of dead
mice. Air acrobatics
and adventure bore him,
so that now, if you
don't mind, he'd like to turn
a deaf ear to the blood's siren
call and sit
still on his wooden bar.

Poet's Biography:
Claudia Grinnell was born and raised in Germany. She now makes her home in
Louisiana, where she teaches at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Her
poems have appeared in various print and ezines, most recently in such
places as Exquisite Corpse, Hayden's Ferry Review, New Orleans Review,
Mudlark, Janus Head, and Blue Moon Review. Her first full-length book of
poetry, Conditions Horizontal, was published by Missing Consonant Press in
the Fall of 2001.